Treated Timber Rejuvination Guide
1) Thoroughly clean the table with a warm soapy water and leave table to dry. You can use a green dish scourers and at this stage and this will assist with the sanding process later. Do not use a high pressure cleaner.
If mould is present Wipe table with a mould killing agent ( exit mould or vinegar)
If there is any lifting of boards or opening of timber joints these can be screwed down, and timber glue or fill used as needed.
2) Once the timber is thoroughly dry it can be sanded lightly
a. Please use fine sandpaper such as 120 grit. You want to lightly sand entire table. Then go back and sand back the areas that are stained or damaged more heavily. Just remember that the table does have a black coating underneath and you don’t want to sand back to this.
b. If using an electric sander please use lightly only
3) Clean the table thoroughly of all sanding residue
The paint that matches is AQUAMANEL from the Dulux range. We have provided the colour match formula for the original colour. You can select any colour (and or any other paint finish if you choose, but these have not been tested) to paint the timber. A white colour from the AQUAMANEL range has been tested, and a picture provided later in the document.
4) Mix the paint using Paint/Water Ratio Colour Chart provided (see below)
As the timber has first had the black treatment, then a colour then finally with have INTERGRAIN, this painting is only to replace colour. As such the paint at this stage can be watered down to match any other items that will have naturally aged. Alternatively the other items can also be refreshed with a fresh coat of 100% paint. We have included later in the document examples of paint mixes on a naturally aged product with no damage. If the items has only 1 small area of staining the this area can also be treated rather then the complete table using the mixing method.
5) Paint the mix onto the table with a small clean paint brush
6) Once completely dry apply INTERGRAIN Ultra Clear Exterior
Apply 3 coats of INTERGRAIN Ultra Clear Exterior with a quality brush. 4 or more coats will be required in extreme conditions such as full sun exposure, marine environments and in humid areas. Apply along the length of the board including exposed edges and end grain. Do not apply in temperatures above 35°C, below 10°C or if rain or dew is expected within four hours of application.
Conduct a routine 12 monthly maintenance inspection. Note: For extreme conditions, full exposure or marine environments conduct a 6 monthly maintenance inspection. Best protection of the timber and ease of maintenance is ensured if Ultra Clear Exterior is recoated before deterioration of the coating and timber underneath occurs. First indication of the need for recoating will be observed as patchiness or thinning of the surface coating on edges and areas where insufficient product has been applied.
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